Friday, June 26, 2009

tagged by jiji

List 10 things that you want for your birthday, doesn't matter whether the things that you want is possible or impossible to get.

*wahahahhaha...get ready yea u guys..huhu..*

really wanted this for quite awhile d..since my parents could not get it for me *got a bvlgari omnia..not bad too..wink*

2. unlimited cash!!!! --> travel and travel and travel...huhu...

3. PDA * graduating soon, need it in hospital*

4. BMW 1 series *see i ain't not greedy, just 1 series..mean while..huhu...*

5. shop lots at some superb strategic places *open pharmacy --> earn more money*

6. magical wardrobe *whatever i want, i can find it in it..*

7. magical shoes transformer * get all those feet biting shoes to transform into superb comfy one*

8. skin care with everything in 1 bottle..suitable for lazy pig like me..

9. maid that doesn't need to be paid *clean everything for me..headache when come to see my clothes piling up like a little hill*

10. a laptop that NEVER have any problem

hahahaha..what lah, all also not achievable, do it to bluff myself only...><

ppl to tag : YOU! if u're as bored as me...=D

1 comment:

  1. Hey u very greedy la...unlimited of cash...haha...why i can't think of that ><
