Saturday, August 15, 2009


been to different beaches these days
i'm lovin it~~

pulau pangkor in March 09,
brought the orphans there to enjoy..

this was in pulau kapas in june 09
chilling out after completing year 3
love the scenery..

cherating beach

is that a must to jump-and-shoot when we go to beaches??
hee..i still love to jump >.<

the famous tasek chempedak, full of rocks it seems..
but we had fun there

a tasik tour at the legendary tasik chinni
nothing, but lotus..=.=

highlight of the trip:

poor guys had to squad under the scotching hot sun to change the tyre..
screw the nails!
luckily there's motorcar repairing shop open on sunday
and the amendment costs us only RM6
amazingly cheap!

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